by Aelfwise » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:02 pm
We went once but I'm thinking of organizing another run for those who would like to get some. Phomiuna Aqueducts is definitely the way to go for farming Subligar in terms of drop rate. Ease of killing certain jobs of Fomors might be better in Sacrarium only because of ones like Bard Paladin Red Mage tend to be in parties. Other than that was very easy.
I went with Kolob and Kaelsam again as well. We had a run of 4/4 Ranger Subligar at one point lol. BST totally owns in here.
Grats to:
Jerik got NIN and DRG panties.
Alira got THF panties.
Kolob got NIN and BST panties (and RNG)
Kael got THF panties (finally) and RNG
Aelf got WHM (as well as BST, NIN, RNG later)
We'll definitely get some more for other people when we organize another run.