I found a nice little NM last week I thought u all might be interested in. Panzer Percival in Jungar Forest drops a GA worth ~90k last time I checked the Jeuno AH. I like him because he was uncamped the two times I went (second time realizing i could only carry one axe....im such a noob sometimes
) and he is basically a cupcake at lvl 25-26. His drop and respawn rates are really good. Popped both times i went in under two hours. The only problem i see with this NM, is that he has two spawn areas in the Forest. So you are really only "half camping" him if u are alone. I got the drop on the first one i fought without TH. Second time i couldn't keep it since its Rare and my first axe was in my AH. So sadly...it had to be lost....
Panzer is at Let me know if need help camping him (two peeps to cover both areas) or if u know another NM thats interesting!