I'm going to start this topic as just a WSNM (Weapon Skill Notorious Monster) topic, so if you need a WSNM killed, post in this topic and hopefully we can do something.
To start it off, I need to kill the WSNM for Polearm to get Impulse Drive. This requires us to go into Sea Serpent Grotto and kill a NM Pugil, but, to get there someone needs a Sahagin Key, lucky for you guys I got this, and I am ready to kill this thing. Apparently, it can be duo'd by a WAR/NIN and a RDM/WHM, so I figure I could tank it and if I could get a mage or two to be safe, we'll be as good as gold.
Where we pop this NM, there are mobs we can kill to get Golden Eye(s), so we could turn this into a Golden Eye run for people that need them for their Hakutaku Eye Clusters.
I'm free to do this Wednesday afternoon 5 cst - 9 cst, Friday afternoon after I get home from work (5ish cst,) and most of the weekend, as long as nothing comes up in real life I don't know about.