by Claquesous » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:14 pm
You only need level 30 THF for the BCNM. So you and 2 SMNs can try it. Do you have enough seals to try it at least a couple times? Use what you have, but if you don't have enough the NM is probably your best option. Sorry, I don't have SMN so I can't do much in BCNM, but I'd be willing to show you the THF's role since you can have up to 6, but only need 3.
Claquesous 3052 Damage 12/21/07
Montparnasse 3120 1/15/09
Babet 1766 9/17/08
Gueulemer 1170 6/8/08
Exp: 621 (Chain #1 solo IT +KS). 1/11/07