BCNM: Dropping Like Flies

Plans to do a BCNM, ISNM, ENM or camp an NM.

Postby Aelfwise » Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:32 am

Just typing in our running tally for getting people this, got another tonight ^^


Those are the ones I know of, probably was another in there somewhere. Anyways, grats to Almeada being the newest proud owner of an Emporer's Hairpin!

Anyone that NEEDS the hairpin from this bcnm let the LS know. However, if you're just wanting it as a money drop the LS wont be as quick to help (generally anyways). I dont mind helping for money drop runs, but I'd prefer personally to help those that need an item before those just looking for quick gil (even if it's to buy another item).
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