by Claquesous » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:13 pm
I'm not sure how much NM hunting you've done but I've done almost 20 hrs worth and have a combined total of one rare drop (the Neckchopper). I agree that 30 seals is a lot to use, but I really don't see anything else I really want to fight right now. The non exclusive version is also nice because I could lend it out to someone else who is doing a thief. Also in my 20 hours, I've never camped a NM with contention before. This one supposedly used to be massively camped. I'm not sure if it still is with the new rare/ex, but I haven't been around the area to find out. This is the best item in the game for a thief from what I hear. I don't care which one I get, I just really would like to have one. If I have to use all 90 of my seals to do it, that may be worth it to me.
Claquesous 3052 Damage 12/21/07
Montparnasse 3120 1/15/09
Babet 1766 9/17/08
Gueulemer 1170 6/8/08
Exp: 621 (Chain #1 solo IT +KS). 1/11/07