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Empresse pin
Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:44 pm
by RedXV
Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:59 pm
by Claquesous
It takes 30 seals to get an orb. You must have a THF or PLD and 2 SMNs to do it. The drop rate is only about 25% or so though so try not to get your hopes up too high. I think Aelf, Mayous, Estarie, Tehya all have SMN. I can come as THF the first time to show you how it's done, but I'm not too much help otherwise.
Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:02 pm
by Jerik
You might be better off hunting the Valkurm Emperor, just get a few people to help, he's fairly easy to deal with.
Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:33 pm
by Mayous
Hunt the NM and get a thf to help you
Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:46 pm
by Estarie
The BCNM is easy, just make a day find a tank and a thf I'll get you SMN's .. mine being one of them
Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:58 am
by RedXV
Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:14 pm
by Claquesous
You only need level 30 THF for the BCNM. So you and 2 SMNs can try it. Do you have enough seals to try it at least a couple times? Use what you have, but if you don't have enough the NM is probably your best option. Sorry, I don't have SMN so I can't do much in BCNM, but I'd be willing to show you the THF's role since you can have up to 6, but only need 3.
Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:05 pm
by Estarie
As far as i know in the shell the ppl that have snm's and know the BCNM is Aelfwise, Mayous and Myself, and the tank can be anything really ... a WAR or NIN, PLD is the best but go with what you can find. SMN's make short work of the Flky hoard
Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:12 pm
by Claquesous
You don't need a tank for this BCNM. Just a THF or PLD and 2 SMNs. One of the three leftover spots could be a tank, but that's purely for insurance.
Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:52 pm
by Mayous
I'll go as SMN for this one just set a time and date and I'll try an be there Thursday is starting to fill up with things to do but I can proboly Squeeze it in so let me know