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NM - Panzer Percival
Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:26 pm
by daedric
I found a nice little NM last week I thought u all might be interested in. Panzer Percival in Jungar Forest drops a GA worth ~90k last time I checked the Jeuno AH. I like him because he was uncamped the two times I went (second time realizing i could only carry one such a noob sometimes
) and he is basically a cupcake at lvl 25-26. His drop and respawn rates are really good. Popped both times i went in under two hours. The only problem i see with this NM, is that he has two spawn areas in the Forest. So you are really only "half camping" him if u are alone. I got the drop on the first one i fought without TH. Second time i couldn't keep it since its Rare and my first axe was in my AH. So had to be lost....
Panzer is at Let me know if need help camping him (two peeps to cover both areas) or if u know another NM thats interesting!
Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:17 pm
by Claquesous
I need to farm Tigers in the forest for a couple different San d'Oria quests so this may be a good opportunity for me. Plus I'm the thief that would probably help with drops which is great. Let me know when you want to do it sometime.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:21 pm
by Claquesous
Was just checking out Panzer information, also available here , and I noticed that I could really use that axe he drops for my warrior. I'm even more interested now.
Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:07 pm
by Aelfwise
I'll help you guys do it if I'm able. Just let me know when you're thinking of doing it and I'll try to be available.
Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:21 pm
by Piraya
I've tried this a couple times so far. Hadn't really been patient with it to be honest. Figured I'd mess around trying to get beetle jaws while camping this thing in both spots. Not as easy of a force spawn as I thought it might be. I'd say if one wishes for this to pop they must be pretty patient and have flee available to run from spot to spot if soloing.
Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:14 am
by Claquesous
I have flee! Unfortunately, flee doesn't last long enough to get back and forth from spot to spot. Aelfwise and I tried this one day. He told me Beetle Jaws are useless. Are you saying they're valuable? We were there for about half an hour I'd guess, but never saw him. My site says the Panzer only pops in two small little areas. We only checked the second area once. I'd love to try it again sometime.
Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:32 am
by Piraya
If you don't want your beetle jaws go ahead and send them all to me. I'll find a use for em
Last stack of jaws I sold for like 25-30k at AH in Jeuno.
Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:34 am
by Piraya
I just need 4 more to make a stack so please send me some.
Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:54 am
by Claquesous
I camped this NM for 2 hours last night (with Aelfwise for about an hour), but he only popped up once and only dropped a single jaw that time (which Aelf got). I think I should gain a couple more levels before camping again because it was taking too long to go back and forth between the two areas.
Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:54 am
by Piraya
Well at least you got him to pop once. I have only camped him couple times and not very long though either time b/c I always get pestered with pt invites while I'm there or on the way. I can see this being difficult for a blm to do any type of spawn like this b/c of the need for rest after using magic when low. Only advantage to the beetles is I can aspir them and get about 60-80mp back.