Conker:Live and Reloaded
Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:32 pm
by Esteban
My friend just bought this game like 1 week ago? And I got adicted to the multiplayer mode, so I bought one myself last friday, and now after 3 days... I CAN'T STOP PLAYING! It's great, but some people think it's stupid, well if you ever get a chance to play it online, send a message to Hersheys1117, I might be on. Oh yeah I'll come back to FFXI later >_> dunno when, but yeah have fun!
Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:02 am
by Claquesous
Conker's Bad Fur Day was an awesome game for N64. The single player mode was hilarious featuring an opera singing monster made of dung that you defeated by throwing corn in it's mouth while it was singing, a vampire bat that you defeat by feeding it too many people so it got really fat and fell on some spikes, and dancing rocks that you move by drinking too much beer and pissing on them. It also had cutscenes which parodied many famous movies like Jaws, Saving Private Ryan and probably the best of all was the Matrix which also involved slow motion shooting which is mega fun.
The two player modes were similarly irreverent and though pretty simplistic could make for lots of laughs.
A friend of mine rented it on a whim, but I must say it was one of the best games I've ever played.
I have no idea what this game is like, but my guess is it's probably quite fun. I assume it's XBox only since Microsoft bough Raresoft. By the way, Raresoft also made Goldeneye and Perfect Dark for those that don't know.