What I tried to create....

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What I tried to create....

Postby Piraya » Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:50 pm

I wanna take some time to let you all know my full intentions of WanderingSouls...this wasn't my intent from the beginning but as time passed and things developed I became aware of what the possibilities could be.

At the start of WanderingSouls there were but a few members and like any Linkshell interests shifted, people came and went but there were always a core group of people who made the Linkshell great. The start was about making friends, learning and exploring together, and passing the time waiting for parties in Qufim, Valkurm, etc. The core group consisted of Claquesous, Kolob, Brixba, Aelfwise, Daedric, etc. Brixba and Daedric left the game rather early in the development of our Linkshell but they both still hold a place in my thoughts and happy thoughts about my time in this fantasy world called FFXI. I just wished this site and ventrilo were in effect earlier on in our development as I feel they would still be intouch with us...but people get busy and forget. The first stage of my hopes of the Linkshell were solely based on FFXI...getting things done, leveling together, doing missions, etc. But time progressed and so did our possibilities together.

Its hard to pinpoint the time in which I started to realize the greater potential of this Linkshell but the point still remains that we are a family...a family and friend beyond the game. Our friendship and bond is not tied to this game we call FFXI and so I started to try new things. Get exp groups going, rank missions, CoP missions...all things aiming at bringing everyone closer together. I told my sky LS's along with dynamis when I did it to "fuck" off a few times as I would not divert all my attention to their LS. I knew that if I wanted to build something great it needed work and needed my time into it. I pushed others to step in and fill gaps in leadership and organization. Some were up to the task while others were not. I ramble on because there is so much emotion and in many cases disappointment in myself because I was unable to fully formulate my end goal for the Linkshell members. The Mission Statement was a prep...an idea of which to base all things off of. Many people liked it but not enough bought into it.

I'm sorry for not being enough, doing enough, helping enough....I saw the possibility of creating an online entity outside of FFXI. I believed it was FFXI that brought us together but not what held us together. In some cases I'm right and other cases I'm wrong. It was my dream to have friends to see everything with me, conquer new games as others fade. Like all dreams...some come true while others are just that, a dream.
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Postby Aelfwise » Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:22 pm

I wont say too much, other than I'm glad for the people that I have gotten to meet and get to know over the past year and a bit on here. As Piraya mentioned FFXI has been a method of meeting people, and as such building relationships. Sometimes those relationships stay within the confines of the game, while others spread to real life activities or other games for some people (foremost Lineage 2). Ventrilo has been something I've dabbled with when I'm around a computer that I can utilize, but recently I've been at Esty's or just away from a machine I could use so it wasnt possible to get on, but it does add another neat dimension to Wandering souls experience.

Anyways, my note is over as I have a habit of typing alot when a little could do the trick. I hope to continue hearing from people and will make an effort to stay in touch better as well.
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Postby Piraya » Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:11 pm

I just wanted to put my thoughts and hopes out there so everyone knew what I was trying to do
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