Thank You for a Great Weekend
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:28 am
Thank you to Jerik, Alira, Kolob, Suranx, Aelfwise, Colgar and anyone else I forgot for helping me in the many rock bashing runs which finally got me my Yigit Crackows this weekend.
Thank you to Alira, Almeada, Aelfwise, and anyone else I forgot for attempting to get me my Olibanum Sachet. Sorry none of you could be there when I finally got it.
Thank you to Tehya, Xso, Suranx, Jerik, Alira, Aelfwise, Hakku, and Petal for exploring the new zones together. It got a little messy, but we made it to where we were headed in the end.
Thank you to Alira, Almeada, Aelfwise, and anyone else I forgot for attempting to get me my Olibanum Sachet. Sorry none of you could be there when I finally got it.
Thank you to Tehya, Xso, Suranx, Jerik, Alira, Aelfwise, Hakku, and Petal for exploring the new zones together. It got a little messy, but we made it to where we were headed in the end.