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WS Decemation
Thu May 17, 2007 7:09 am
by Estarie
I really would like to finish this quest if anyone is interested or needs it themselves, so i say ...
<Decemation><Can I have it><please>
Thu May 17, 2007 11:09 am
by Claquesous
You have to do a bunch of WS then fight an NM right? I'd be glad to help with the NM fight.
Fri May 18, 2007 7:59 am
by Aelfwise
I believe Esty already has broken the latent, only the NM is left. From what Alira tells me we'd have to fight a "mean lil sprout" hehe.
Fri May 18, 2007 7:03 pm
by Mayous
yea the NM is in The Temple of Ugga lol. I've killed it before if I remember right and he's not that hard it's just kind of annoying to get to him. Proboly need a Tank, Few DD's and a WHM or RDM and your golden. Could proboly do it with a War/nin Tank with Ni, cause I tanked him with ease.
Sat May 26, 2007 4:54 pm
by Estarie
Yeah i've already done the Hard part, Mayous and I duo'ed the crap out of my latent a while back ... just haven't got around to the NM ... I was hoping if anyone else needed this we could get a few done at once.
Sun May 27, 2007 12:13 pm
by Claquesous
Yasa and Jerik will probably need this before long, but I'm not sure what their schedules are like because I believe they both need to beat Maat still. We can do it multiple times though so don't think you have to wait for them if you want it soon.
Sun May 27, 2007 4:46 pm
by Jerik
Yeah, don't worry about me. It'll probably take me a while to get from 65-70, then beating Maat might take me a while to do.
Mon May 28, 2007 6:17 pm
by Mayous
We all know it's going to take you forever to kill maat Jerik, Thats cause your a sissy. J/K lol Hope you murder him and Esty I wish I was around to help with the NM hopefully I'll be back soon best wishes everyone.
Mon May 28, 2007 7:39 pm
by Aelfwise
Nah, Esty was able to beat Maat 1/1 using a regular axe (and a little luck mind you). I dont forsee you having any issues if you've prepared yourself a bit Jerik.
As for the NM I helped a group of 4 people kill it and it was easy, all i had to do was wake them up every now and again after is used sleepga. Very little healing was needed.
Wed May 30, 2007 7:41 pm
by Mayous
yea he likes to use slumber powder alot or whatever it's called so just bring a poison pot or 2 and you'll be good as gold