by Claquesous » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:31 pm
I need help on the previous quests too. It sounds as if TH2 really helps at least for the first one. RNG probably helps for widescan.
I'm not arguing about THF/NIN. I haven't tried THF/NIN because my Ninja is far too low level. Right now I'm much more interested in leveling Thief and Ranger than Ninja. I never said it's not good. In fact, it's probably slightly to moderately better. I'm just saying it's not worth the twenty hours and 300k gil I would have to spend leveling so my sub wouldn't show.
The ring is 400k at the AH by the way, and I need two. I'd like to get at least one through the quest.
Claquesous 3052 Damage 12/21/07
Montparnasse 3120 1/15/09
Babet 1766 9/17/08
Gueulemer 1170 6/8/08
Exp: 621 (Chain #1 solo IT +KS). 1/11/07