Pictoral Tour of WoW

I just thought I would show everyone whats has been happening WoW side. These are some pics of the interface and of my character with the Wandering Souls Tabard. Just thought I would share it with you. And all of the buttons on the bottom are shortcut to spells, like macros. The game is not as complicating as it may seem lol...
This is what you ride instead of airships :p Gyphons and Hippographs
This is some of the interfaces. The Mission and Quest Interface and your Character Equipment Interface.
This is the map of the world. 2 Huge Continents: Kalimdor, home to the Hordes and Eastern Kingdoms, home to Alliance. The 6 Icons are the 6 majoy cities in WoW. For Alliance: Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus. Horde: Origmaar, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity
This is just a picture of me in the game with the Wandering Souls Tabard.

This is what you ride instead of airships :p Gyphons and Hippographs

This is some of the interfaces. The Mission and Quest Interface and your Character Equipment Interface.

This is the map of the world. 2 Huge Continents: Kalimdor, home to the Hordes and Eastern Kingdoms, home to Alliance. The 6 Icons are the 6 majoy cities in WoW. For Alliance: Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus. Horde: Origmaar, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity

This is just a picture of me in the game with the Wandering Souls Tabard.