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What's your favorite food?!
Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:49 am
by ziquan
Please post what foods you use so I can prepare to make them for you. I'll charge you only the price of inputs, unless you provide em(in which case its free). Plus I'll get an idea of what stuff to make to sell.
[ Help me out!
Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:59 am
by Claquesous
Here's the food I'm using right now:
NIN: Navarin
RNG, THF: Sole Sushi or Squid Sushi
BLM: Melon Pie
MNK: Meat Mithkabob
Navarin is very good stuff for NIN, but it's cooking 77 I believe. The others you should be able to make either now or very soon. Sushi is most important for me since that's the job I use most.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:20 pm
by ziquan
Thank you for your input, Claquesous. Let's make a list! Ingredients listed like this are the tougher to find ones.
Navarin - I plan to be able to make it within a couple weeks. Its synthesis is easy, except for maybe onions/sheep meat which have to be AH or farmed. Everything else is NPC sold. Sweet.
Cooking (77)
Crystal: Fire
* Olive Oil x1
* Black Pepper x1
* Popoto x1
* Mithran Tomato x1
* Wild Onion x1
* Rock Salt x1
* Distilled Water x1
* Giant Sheep Meat x1
Melon Pie - I'm going to be leveling up on these, so I'll send some to you as well as aelf. Way freakin easy synth.
Cooking (64) Yield: 4
Crystal: Fire
* Cinnamon x1
* Thundermelon x1
* Bird Egg x1
* Maple Sugar x1
* Pie Dough x1
Meat Mithkabob - Claq can already make these. Theyre easy except for onion again, and the Cockatrice meat; both must be farmed or bought. Meat is about as expensive as the mithkabobs themselves I think...
Cooking (38 ) Yield: 6 (Max: 12)
Crystal: Fire
* Cockatrice Meat x1
* Kazham Peppers x1
* Mhaura Garlic x1
* Wild Onion x1
Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:05 pm
by kaelsam
ziq i use melon pies +1's only not sure what lvl those r to make but if u can let me know the ingredients and i will provide them for u. if u need sheep meat u got it there i go to farm skins once or twice a week and i get a shit load of meat so i will keep it from now on if u need it just let me know. as far as fishing i can help with that once i get accepted into the guild (yes im a lazy bored person). so i will help with that one too
Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:53 pm
by Piraya
blm>> Melon Pies or +1 edition
nin>> Navarin is sweet if not that then Squid Sushi
thf>> definately sole sushi buts its spendy as shit so maybe Squid Sushi
smn>> cookies ^^
rdm>> goblin mushpot (this also I want to try when soloing with blm)
Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:04 pm
by Aelfwise
WHM: Goblin Mushpots (I usually just buy one in Lower Jeuno, only 1.4k and they last 3 hours)
BLM: Melon Pies (right now I'm too cheap for +1s lol)
SMN: Ginger Cookies
MNK: Meat Mithkabobs (I can make these myself, but if you can make them cheaper than by all means hehe)
WAR: Meat Mithkabobs
PLD: not sure yet, just using Meat Jerky
Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:34 pm
by Estarie
so Far with Starie i only use three foods
WHM/BLM - Ginger cookies
WAR/NIN - Fish Mithakabobs
PLD/WAR - Meat MithaKabobs
SMN/WHM - Melon Pies and Melon Drinks/Yagado Drinks
Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:47 pm
by Claquesous
PLD should use Fish Mithkabobs for defense. Maybe you typed it wrong?
Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:59 am
by Estarie
Your right, i did type it backwards, but my pld and war useulay eats eather .. it basicly what ever is the cheaper of the two, mind you i'll take the fish anyday