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Guild Masters
Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:43 pm
by Claquesous
I think we need to have someone on every guild. Here's a list of how I see it:
Woodworking - Catfishpony, Pocco (?)
Smithing - Lydric
Goldsmithing - Gueulemer (?)
Clothcraft - Piraya, Kaelsam, Montparnasse (?)
Leathercraft - Babet (?)
Bonecraft - Rickjamesbiotch
Alchemy - Claquesous
Cooking - Ziquan
Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:37 am
by Aelfwise
I could volunteer Olwe to be the official LS Leathercraft Master...that would of course mean i need to start levelling it further than the level 2 i obtained while making sheep leather but oh well hehe. Unless someone else would like to undertake this I'll start levelling it.
Also, since Aelfwise is a Hume I'm pretty much dabbling in a bit of everything, since they're supposed to be well rounded in general. At some point I might decide which guild to focus on but I'm still undecided.
Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:38 am
by Claquesous
I've found Leathercraft to be by far the most expensive to level. However, there are stretches that are extremely profitable. 2 is the first and probably best one, the next one is probably 20 with dhalmel leather. Once you get higher, there are a number of things that require 90+ leathercraft to HQ that go for mega gil if you so happen to hit the HQ.
Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:43 pm
by ziquan
What about fishing? I need a fishing master to supply me with sushi goods when I get up there in cooking. .
Sat Feb 04, 2006 7:02 pm
by Claquesous
Someone told me Fishing doesn't count towards the 40 advanced guild points count. Maybe I'm wrong though. In which case, we would need a fisher too.
Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:58 pm
by ziquan
i've read that too. i uhhh just don't wanna lvl fishing heh.
Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:03 am
by Catfishpony
Woot, first post (let the spamming begin MUHAHAHAH =P) well. here it is Woodworking 63.4 Clothcraft 31.3 Leathercraft 15.0 ALchemy 12.2 Fishing 0.3 XD
Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:01 am
by Estarie
Hey CFP, Good to see you on the site .. and i guess i get to be the first to say ...