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The Return of Kaelsam?!?! part two

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:30 pm
by kaelsam
Well guys it seems that some very old friends from ffxi are coming back. I started that game when the game first came out with these guys and they say they wanna get back into it. Most of the ones i remember have sent me emails asking if i was still playing and if i would be interested so i gotta say i might be coming back in a big way if they decide to do this. Im hoping they do cause the game has lost alot of its sparkle since they left the game (aka most got banned lol....). We gonna start a new endgame ls on Hades server this time and prolly just start doing dynamis and sky till we get enough for other areas of endgame activity. Our old ls took care of dynamis and sky no problem and had enough ppl to fill up xarcabard AND a city to capacity. So if they decide to do this i will be coming back sometime next month when they said they were gonna try and get everyone together. I can only communicate with a few of them cause most only speak japanese. If any of you guys are tired of unicorn and looking for a change feel free to come to the darkside and look me up. Anyways laterz.